• Tatiana Kovbasyuk Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
Keywords: values, value, morality, morality, moral values, moral position, value orientation, structure of moral values, moral consciousness, education


The article deals with the basic theoretical position of essence the process of education of moral values of growing personality on elaboration of philosophical, pedagogical and psychological researches.

It has been revealed the concepts of «values», «value orientations», «morality», «moral values» in the context of consideration regarding the formation of the system of moral self-awareness, activity, increase of the level of self-knowledge, self-esteem and internalization of social and moral values of growing personality.

Some scientific positions on the disclosure and study of the morality, moral position of the individual and its universal values are distinguished. On the basis of the analysis of scientific researches, components of the structure of moral values are determined: moral will, moral conscience, self-esteem of the individual, moral motives.

Attention is drawn on the role of the family as a social institution which is an important component of the educational process also the core tasks of the family and educational institution in shaping the moral values of the growing personality (introducing it into the world of moral relationships, revealing the cultural meanings of moral values, focusing on humane, good, honest, fair relations and actions, suggestions of good behaviors, analysis of proper behavior, analysis the right moral choice).

It has been shawn the new educational paradigm and scientific categories, in particular: act life, higher meanings, meaningful sphere, spirituality as an expression of spirit, spiritual personality, spiritual self-consciousness, and that moral values are inherent only to man, their bearer is spiritual intention (orientation) which is subject to ethical evaluation.

On analysis of leading educators and psychologists it has been established, that the assertion of morality is facilitated by repeated exercise of independent moral choice, the ability to rely on oneself and be responsible for one's actions.
