• Lydia Voznyuk Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education
  • Olga Martynenko Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education
Keywords: school education, educational management, innovative processes, management, innovative environment, innovative potential of teacher, innovative processes.


The article is devoted to the problems of managing innovation processes in general secondary education institutions. In the conditions of realization of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School, the efficiency of reforming school education and the quality of national education as a whole depend on innovation management. In Ukraine, the issue of managing innovation processes in general secondary education institutions has been sufficiently studied. In the writings of I. Beha, L. Danilenko, I. Dychkivska, O. Kozlova, O Marmazy, O. Savchenko defines the basic principles and approaches to change management, examines the teacher's preparation for innovative activity of education.

However, the problem of managing innovation processes in the context of the New Ukrainian School has not been fully studied. Therefore, the article presents in a holistic form the system of management of innovative processes in the system of modern school education. The content of management of innovative processes in a modern school, which covers all components of management activity from functions and methods of management to technologies of management of innovations, is revealed. The concept of «innovative environment of the school» is defined, which is interpreted as a set of conditions, factors that influence the quality of innovation processes in the institution of general secondary education. Maintenance of management innovative processes is exposed at a modern school, which engulfs all constituents of administrative activity from functions and methods of management to technologies of management of innovations. Certainly concept of «innovative environment of school», which is interpreted as an aggregate of terms, factors that influence the quality of innovative processes in the establishment of universal middle education.
