Transformation role teacher of humanities in modern postgraduate education
The article is sanctified to research of problem of in-plant training of teachers of humanitarian disciplines of modern school. According to the Concept «the
New Ukrainian School» the key and strategic goals of the state are the following problems: formation of a free personality of a teacher who recognizes universal and
national values, principles of tolerance and respect for another thought or culture; the transition of the teacher to a new and modern level of organizing educational environment, which will be dynamic, flexible, individually oriented. The modern teacher of the national school is a key figure in the processes of school reform, namely: the content of education, the development of a school-oriented educational environment focused on the development and comfort of stay for the child.
A research author put an aim to define basic priorities in the professional in-plant training of teachers of humanitarian disciplines, analysis of them practical
pedagogical necessities, prospects of self-education. In the process of research the methods of scientific research are applied: guestioning in relation to the educational reguirements of teachers in in-plant training; an analysis of situation is in application of new methodologies and practices of pedagogical education; generalization and comparative analysis of results of activity of institutes of pedagogical education.
Teachers of the national school determine the relevance of the new model of professional development defined by the current legislation of Ukraine, that is, not
less than 150 hours in 5 years, and not less than 30 hours annually. Post-graduate teacher education institutes are looking for new models of education for school teachers. The outdated refresher model is no longer relevant to teacher training courses that have been completed once every five years. The current model context should include mobility, flexibility and freedom to choose forms and topics for professional development by a teacher.
The foreign experience of pedagogical creative growth is confirmed by the teacher’s key right to academic freedom in the above aspects.
The experience of postgraduate education institutions shows the relevance of short-term courses for the teacher, clearly focused on the school content of education, diverse methods of active educational environment, individual trajectories of personality development, practical development of pedagogical methods of organizing children’s group. The process of meaningful transformation of postgraduate education content has begun, outlining the immediate priorities and final goals of each stage of the reform. The teacher and his needs to support his professional growth should be heard.