Formation of students value orientations in the process of development social competence

  • Diana Romanovska Ukrainian Scientific and Methodological Center practical psychology and social work NAPS of Ukraine
Keywords: social competence, values, values, reference value scale, social well-being, psychological service.


The article is devoted to the problem of formation of value orientations of educational recipients as a component of social competence. The article determines the
importance of forming social competence in the educational process by the specialists of the psychological service in educational institutions. The content and
structural components of the concept of «social competence», the role of value orientations in the context of social competence are revealed. The article presents the results of the study of the levels of formation of the main groups of value orientations and rating positions of 16 values-markers belonging to these groups in students of institutions of general secondary and vocational education by the method of «Dreams to come True». The analysis of the rating of the main groups of vital values, which was set in the following order: family; spiritual; social; individualistic values. The qualitative processing of the received diagnostic data is presented, as a result of which all four groups of values are formed at the average level of education of students. According to the results of the research, deviation of the standard order of formation of groups of values are found, which means that the reference value scale, against which the process of human consciousness development, is not consistent. The respondents’ rating of the marker values and the possible reasons are analyzed. The results of the survey on the state of social well-being of respondents, which were carried out using the methodology for determining personal adaptability, are also presented. On the basis of the conclusions, the recommendations for the heads and practical psychologists of educational establishments on improvement of the process of formation of social competence of students are formulated.
