The current state of professional training of future masters of primary education for innovation.

  • Oksana Tsyunyak Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Keywords: vocational training, future masters of elementary education, innovative activity, curricula, curricula, higher education institution.


he theoretical aspect of the issue of professional preparation of future masters of elementary education to innovative activity is considered in the article. The
author points out that the important tasks today are: to teach young people the «art of life», to educate an independent personality who is able to make decisions and be responsible for them, has logical and critical thinking, is competent to conduct discussions, easily adapts in a globalized space with innumerable dynamic and often conflicting communicative actions. At the stage of theoretical study, the curricula for the masters’ preparation in the field of knowledge 01 Education / Pedagogy in specialty 013 Elementary education of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University are analyzed. The substantive content of the programs that
occupy the paramount place in the professional preparation of masters to innovative activity is substantiated. It was stated that the activities of higher education institutions, which form the elite of the nation and the state, should be directed to quality continuous education in accordance with the needs of the individual and the society through the development of various educational programs and forms of training organization. The author states that the masters are those specialists who are able to provide the solution of current educational issues, and just they are the essential resource of higher education and the basis of society innovation-driven growth in general. It has been concluded that pedagogical disciplines have considerable potential in organizing the professional readiness of future masters of elementary education to innovative activity, however, it is not taken full advantage of which. While not reducing the capabilities of the analyzed courses of pedagogical direction, we should note that all of them relate only to certain aspects of innovative activity of future specialists.
