Preparation of future geography teachers for interdisciplinary lessons

  • Oksana Voytovich Rivne State University of Humanities
  • Maria Kostolovych Rivne State University of Humanities


There is a growing focus on networking between teaching geography, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and other subjects in secondary school, because
in most classes of profile school will be taught an integrated course «Natural Sciences», whose program will include sections and topics of these subjects.
Moreover, changes in the system of general secondary education was aimed at forming in students the ability to independently acquire knowledge, cooperate
with other participants in the educational process, adapt to new circumstances and find ways to solve educational tasks. It is impossible to achieve this only through the using of traditional forms of organization of the educational process in secondary education institutions, so it is appropriate to use non-traditional teaching methods. Since the main organizational form in school is a lesson, at the article considered the types of non-traditional.
