Formation of legal competence of future healthcare managers in professional training

  • Vitalina Pugac Ternopil National Economic University
Keywords: manager, legal competence, vocational training, health care system.


The article identifies and analyzes the problem of legal competence formation in the preparation of future health managers. The analysis of the works devoted to
this problem revealed the factors that have a positive impact on the learning process and lead to successful professional activity of teachers: the use of the potential
of different higher education disciplines to study legal ideas; supplementation of theoretical legal provisions with information on the possibility of their practical application in the health care system; mastering information that allows future professionals to model their legal professional and day-to-day activities; creation of conditions for participation of students in active human rights activities during the educational process; organization of verbal-activity dialogues based on student’s individual and creative development; introduction of legal training courses related to the health care system. According to the results of the research, we can identify the basic principles on which the legal competencies of future health managers should be formed: «guaranteeing the rights and freedoms of citizens», «rule of law», «rule of law in the exercise of their functional responsibilities» managers, to which includes planning, organizing, controlling, regulating the production and economic activity of health care institutions, as well as motivating the workers who carry it out. In addition, emphasis should be put on combating corruption, bribery and other crimes (official forgery, official negligence and others).
Therefore, due to the changes in the educational environment caused by the integration processes of Ukraine to the EU, the modernization of the content of the education of managers, it is now important to innovatively update traditional subjects, in particular concerning the formation of legal competences, the introduction of new subjects. In addition, the legal competence of future managers should be linked to the professional direction of non-core subjects; ensuring cross-curricular links between professional and legal disciplines, establishing a rational ratio of study hours to their study, creating legal courses and more.
