The teacher as a bearer of the values of education in a modern institution of general secondary education
Competent method in realization of technology of social education «Personal dignity. Safety of life. Social position» of children in teenage and young adult age. This
article describes competence as an ability of personality to activate and affectively apply values, directions of values, knowledge, beliefs, skills according to obligations and abilities in definition of competence. Defined essence and definition of communicative, legal, social, economical and every day life competence of personality. Development of this competence of personality in a process of realization of technology of social education «Personal dignity. Safety of life. Social position» of teenagers and young adults presented through this steps: 1. Forming of values, valuable directions, the knowledge of the norms, rules of behavior of the personality in society. 2. Forming of conscious and responsible treatment of personality to values, valuable orientations, knowledge of norms and the rules of behavior on society. 3. Forming of personal desire of personality to live based of values of society. 4. Forming of skills of personality to apply knowledge in every day life. 5. Forming of an ability of the personality to activate and cultivate and affectedly apply of values, knowledge, skills in the defined conditions. The article defines the objects, essence and purpose, structure, contest and steps and methods of technology of social education «Personal dignity. Safety of life. Social
position» of children and teenagers based on competent strategy.