Pedagogical conditions of formation environmental values of the future teachers of natural sciences in the process of professional training
The article suggests a theoretical definition of pedagogical conditions for the formation of environmental values of future teachers of Natural Sciences. The first stage of the study clarified the essence of such a phenomenon as «pedagogical conditions». The research has showed that the phenomenon of pedagogical conditions has multiple meanings. In the analyzed scientific works, the concept of «pedagogical conditions» covers various aspects of all components of the educational process: goals, content, principles, methods, forms, means, etc. In this research, the term «pedagogical conditions» denotes a set of educational activities implemented by the institution of higher education in the process of professional training. These activities are aimed at forming a system of professional competencies, student’s personality development in professional and universal (humanitarian) senses. Based on the conducted analysis, taking into account theoretical achievements and developments of pedagogical science and practice, generalization of the revealed shortcomings of educational programs concerning preparation of specialists of the corresponding profile, the research defined pedagogical conditions of formation ecological values of future teachers of Natural Sciences in the course of professional training: 1) formation of
eco-centric understanding of nature (through the education of future teachers); 2) awareness of environmental values; 3) internal acceptance and ability to transfer and implement environmental values in educational and professional activities. To increase the validity of the formulation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of environmental values of future teachers of Natural Sciences, the article identifies not only the desired competencies and program learning outcomes, but also the desired positive changes in the future teacher personality due to the formation of professional pedagogical culture, in particular, changes of value, cognitive, and practical nature. Finally, this research contains practical recommendations for improving the educational programs of professional training of future teachers of Natural Sciences.