Dissemination ideas vocal education I.S. Kozlovsky in artistic practice
The article deals with the creative and pedagogical components of the artistic figure of I. S. Kozlovsky. The role of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the professional work of a teacher-singer is highlighted. The pedagogical principles used by the teacher in the educational process in Maryanivka schools are outlined. It is emphasized that in the educational process of singing
Ivan Kozlovsky was taken into account the system of protection of child’s voice during vocal exercises, which help to combine and correlate emotional and psychological features and technical capabilities of young singers. Emphasis is placed on the need to form the national consciousness of students by giving particular importance to choral singing in educational institutions, which is
associated with the national traditions of the Ukrainian people. It is outlined that in Kozlovsky’s view the central place of vocal and choral performance follows from the children’s awareness of this type of activity as co-creation. It is determined that the content of the initial educational process of solo singing in the pedagogical work on the vocal work I. Kozlovsky makes high demands on the music teacher as a qualified specialist who loves his job and is competent in organizing choral activities at school. The analysis of modern scientific research of this phenomenon gives grounds for introducing into the content of the educational process the ideas of the outstanding singer, teacher about the use of musical instruments for the development of general music making and playing musical instruments. The most important cultural ideas of I. S. Kozlovsky were associated with teaching music to students, the basic conditions of protection of child’s
voice, the problem of expanding the registers, the great importance of proper breathing, pure intonation when singing, the achievement of a rounded sound. Innovative approaches were reflected in the search for flute playing techniques in the practice of the Maryanivka school. Thus, the pedagogical experience, cultural ideas that the outstanding singer left in the history of the national vocal school contributed to the process of its formation and development. Summarizing the above-mentioned, we note that the vocal pedagogy of I. S. Kozlovsky has not lost its relevance at the present stage of development of music and pedagogical education.