Development of lateral thinking in students as an important component of creative thinking
The article is devoted to the problem of developing lateral thinking of the educational applicants, due to, applicants will have the success in solving social, professional, household problems, that are unresolved with using traditional forms and methods of thinking.Lateral thinking is a method of processing information, that directed to the changing of existing stereotypical model for reality perception, creating new alternative approaches for solving problems.Bono created his own thinking conception. Bono determined thinking as the process of solving problems, that involve knowledge and tools, that necessary for accomplishing goals. This goal can be contemplation, planning, understanding, make a solution and direct solving problems.Bono distinguishes the terms, as knowledge, intelligence, and thinking. Intelligence – quality, with which the fellow is born, it depends from genes. Thinking – operation ability, with which the intelligence works for experience. Knowledge (information) – main material, that managed by thinking.The main purpose of lateral thinking is to generate new ideas and leaving from old fixed stereotypical and ideas, making changes, not searching evidence. The main tasks of lateral thinking are to accomplish the effective solution problems, avoid the cliché model, reorganized stereotypical schemes. Based on his own conception, Bono developed the methods of growing creative thinking. The article consider some techniques.The author of article assumes, that formation and development lateral thinking for applicants become possible and effective, if according to the methodological conditions, educational system develop and implement the program of appropriate preparing tutor staff, that based with considering search technologies and implementation creative opportunities for kids. Introduction this type of program will provide the base level of knowledge, skills and tutor abilities, that necessary for developing lateral thinking for applicants.Leadership and methodological support of this program implementation should carry out by competent employees of the postgraduate pedagogical education system.Developing the ability and skills for lateral thinking available for each person. These opportunities provide growing creative potential of personality, give specific tools for creating something new and productive.