Mental map as a means of visualization of educational information by students of general secondary education in Ukrainian language and literature lessons

  • Larysa Panina Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
Keywords: information and communication technologies, mental map, knowledge map, interactive methods, educational and cognitive activity, communicative competence.


Mental maps help to improve students' memory, develop the ability to identify and express their own opinions, develop skills of educational and cognitive activities, structure communication skills, subconsciously, without difficulty assimilates and consolidates material, increases interest in learning Ukrainian language and literature, and establishes successful interaction of teacher and students in class. The modern development of civilization is characterized by the accelerated progress of technologies that cause natural changes in human life and affect all spheres of activity, including education, which at the same time becomes the basis and prerequisite for the development of a society united by common values ​​and culture. The world community has entered a new era when the labor market no longer needs workers who can only reproduce the previous experience of mankind. Currently, there is a growing demand for professionals with original thinking, capable of non-standard solutions, those who know how to navigate in the information space, work in a dynamic environment. The school today feels the need for a teacher who is constantly striving for creative search, has the skills of research, experimental activities; high level of information culture. The ability to renew, openness to the new (innovation) is a characteristic feature of the new pedagogy.

Pedagogical innovation is of paramount value for pedagogical practice, especially for creative teachers who teach new Ukrainian children in the New Ukrainian School. Due to intensive reform, in accordance with the requirements of the time, modern school, in the process of forming a fundamentally new system of general education, given the shortcomings of the traditional education system: inability and unwillingness of children to learn, unformed values ​​of self-development and education a modern school must develop the abilities necessary for its students to self-determine, the ability to make informed decisions and the ability to realize themselves in society. If we consider a person's life as his individual project, then to solve these problems requires the ability to create, experience – personal and considered by example, his behavioral reactions, knowledge and skills or his life competencies.
