Using the method of expert survey of pedagogical staff of general secondary education institutions in advocacy of the basics of home care
The article deals with the pedagogical research by the method of expert survey. This allows to identify current problems in the organization of measures for pre-medical aid in educational institutions. This situation has become especially special in recent years, due to the legislative consolidation of the provision of pre-medical aid by teachers. Analysis of the literature shows that the problem is new and there are very few studies on topic. It has been conducted survey in which took part 447 teachers. The majority of respondents (over 90%) consciously understand the importance of maintaining the health of participants in the educational process. However, half of the respondents self-assess their knowledge indirectly, have an idea of pre-medical aid at the household or theoretical level. Only one in six can properly provide pre-medical aid. The main sources of new knowledge are mostly the media, social networks and the Internet, and practical skills are acquired sporadically. Only a few teachers are trained. Almost 60% of respondents gain new knowledge through self-education.
The analysis of the questionnaires allowed to single out the issues of further advocacy of the basics of pre-medical aid. For this purpose, it has been used the method of statistical processing of opinions of B. Gershunsky's experts. The results show that among the selected six factors, the application of the modeling method became the most important; practice and assessment of practical skills; work on clear algorithms. Preference is given to practical classes and trainings that are complete. Printed sources, lectures and theoretical presentation of the material do not have a significant impact on the formation of teachers' competence in pre-medical aid. And self-education on this important issue is ineffective. This is due to the formation of distorted knowledge, understanding of the problem only at the household level, and in the future – possible wrong decisions in providing assistance. The proposed advocacy aims to further create a systemic educational program to master the basics of pre-medical aid.