Theoretical concepts of formation professional competence teachers of higher education institutions

  • Hryhoriy Pustovit Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
Keywords: competence approach, professional competence, teacher, institution of higher education, theoretical concepts.


The content of the article describes the origins and modern approaches to solving the problem of forming the professional competence of teachers of institutions of higher education. Based on the analysis of fundamental scientific works and research in this field of education, we give a description of the phenomenon - the professional competence of the teacher. Leading theoretical concepts of its formation singled out and characterized: as unity of philosophical, cultural, worldview, social and psychological and pedagogical paradigms, as extrapolation of modern methodological bases in construction of higher education content, as projection of spiritual culture of modern Ukrainian society in relation to man and environment. The following theoretical concept actualizes the essence of educational needs and motives to develop and improve, change the perception of the inner «I-professional». It is proved that the source of personal growth of the teacher is the formed professional and vital competencies, as a result of activation of his creative personal potential, which includes tendencies of self-actualization and self-realization. It is proved that professional self-assessment is an evaluative component of the professional «I-concept». The content of the following theoretical concept highlights the need to create conditions for the teacher to understand not only the cognitive and evaluative, but also the regulatory function of the acquired professional knowledge, skills, abilities and experience of professional activity. Thus, it emphasizes the formation of the desire to restructure or change their attitude to professional activity and its results to a positive and constructive, which is an important factor in the effectiveness of the formation of professional competence of teachers of the institutions of higher education.
