Current issues of professional training of future teachers of technological profile in the conditions of distance learning

  • Olena Shuryn Rivne State University for the Humanities
Keywords: professional and pedagogical training, distance learning, information and communication technologies, distance education, pedagogical process.


The important role of training future teachers in the modern educational system is substantiated, in particular, attention is focused on the development of creative, active personality of the future professional teacher, who would not only have theoretical knowledge and skills implementation of the educational process, in particular information and communication technologies, computer skills. The difference between distance and distance learning is explained. The theoretical component of teacher training, as well as the implementation of the educational process in terms of distance learning. The concepts of «distance learning» and «distance education», the difference between distance learning and traditional. The main advantages of distance learning are studied (relevance of using the most modern means to obtain information, continuity of learning, mobility of the educational process, learning in comfortable conditions and at a convenient time, the absence of geographical barriers, etc.). The shortcomings of professional and pedagogical training of future teachers in the conditions of distance learning (complicated identification of distance students, low bandwidth of the electronic network during educational or examination teleconferences, insufficient direct contact between teacher and distance student, inability to study certain creative activities, lack of personal communication are analyzed, unsystematic education of students with low motivation to get an education and insufficient level of self-organization, lack of appropriate technical equipment and access to the Internet, etc.). It is concluded that the quality of training of future teachers and the formation of their readiness to use information technology in future professional activities depends on the material base of higher education, personal capabilities of teachers themselves, including material, their professional level.
