The distance studying system disadvantages at higher learning institutions of Ukraine

  • Iryna Zvarych Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: distance education, distance system, higher learning institution, imperfection, shortcomings, system of education.


This article deals with the imperfection of the distance learning system at higher learning institutions; attention is focused on detailed coverage of each shortcoming and the positive advantages of distance education are revealed; the necessity for oral communication and accreditation of academic disciplines is emphasized; research methods, in particular inductive and deductive are covered, due to these methods the theoretical understanding of the distance learning system was carried out. It has been highlighted the disadvantages and advantages of the distance learning system in higher education institutions, in particular, outlines the importance of «live» communication and accreditation of academic disciplines. The research methods are characterized. Inductive and deductive, due to which the theoretical comprehension of the distance learning system is carried out. It was used in order to cover the selected tasks, method of analysis of sources and materials. Among which monographic studies, publications and regulations.

It has been proved that the methodological basis of the study are the initial provisions of philosophy on dialectical relationships, the interdependence of phenomena and processes of social and pedagogical activities, the role of the individual in the development of its material and spiritual foundations.

Distance learning impresses more people for education, including higher education, but there are a number of shortcomings that need to be addressed in order to address them and find a compromise for successful distance learning. It has been considered the following disadvantages of distance learning: restrictions on direct communication between students and teachers, lack of direct access of students to the teacher, constant self-motivation of students, isolation of distance learning, limitation of available special courses to specialize, the need for constant reliable access to new learning technologies and Internet, mandatory accreditation of distance learning educational programs, restrictions on employment, unforeseen additional costs for distance education, restrictions on improving the skills of oral communication of students.
