Personification as the basis of the biographical method in historical and pedagogical regionalistics: problem of dichotomy

  • Sophia Lelyuh Rivne State Humanitarian University
Keywords: education, Volyn region, orthodoxy, priests, personification, dichotomy.


The article was submitted the essence and possibilities of personification as the basis of the biographical methods of historical and pedagogical research. It was determined during the last decades of Ukrainian history pedagogy gained to use of scientific methods that were previously inherent in general and professional pedagogy, social psychology, sociology, and cultural studies. Such interpenetration of the methodological groundwork of the history of pedagogy with other branches of knowledge ensured historical and pedagogical science with the appropriate level of integration, interdisciplinarity, and complexity.

The existing of the research and exploratory source of personification in the research of the history of pedagogy was summarized. In the article was noted the dependence on personification from the setting of the research subject. It was justified the peculiarities of personification in historical and pedagogical regionalism. The possibilities of personification were introduced in the example of studying educational and Enlightenment actions of Orthodox priests in the Volyn region in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The paper was applied the method of historical and pedagogical dichotomy, three main dichotomies of personification were defined as methods of exploration of the Enlightenment activity of Orthodox priests in the Volyn region. It was worded a summary of the possibilities of personification in the process of «History humanization» as a modern scientific trend in historical-pedagogical scouting.

The problem of subjectivation and idealization was noted as related to the application of personification in research on history pedagogy. The existing of the research and exploratory source of personification in the studies of the history of pedagogy was summarized and the peculiarities of personification in historical and pedagogical regionalism were justified. Therefore, an attempt was conducted to establish a set of historical and pedagogical dichotomies that would characterize the specificity of implementation and the possibility of personification in the historical-pedagogical research.
