Gamification as an innovative approach in the educational process

  • Larysa Konstankevych Lutsk Pedagogical College
  • Mariana Radkevych Lutsk Pedagogical College
  • Taras Lekhitskiy Lutsk Pedagogical College
Keywords: gamification, gaming technologies, gaming methods, motivation, lighting process, didactic game.


The article examines the concept of gamification, particularly in the educational process. It has been studied out that currently one of the effective methods of organizing the educational process is game activity. Modern psychological and pedagogical analysis of the educational process and numerous scientific domestic and foreign studies showed that gamification is a process of using game thinking and the dynamics of games to involve children in solving tasks, turning the educational process into a game. As a result of the research, gamification in education is understood as the introduction of games, game techniques and game practices with an educational purpose.

In the process of research, the main components of game activity were identified, the structural elements of gamification were considered. Game mechanisms at various stages of educational activity were characterized. It was found that any game includes the following elements: roles; imaginary situations; game actions and game rules.

The game is a unique method of learning, as it organizes children, affects their overall development, and nurtures personality. It contributes to the development of skills and abilities to navigate in any life situation. In this way, the material that students learn during game activities passes through the practical aspect of acquiring knowledge. It is game technologies that are the form of learning that contribute to the practical use of knowledge acquired in class and extracurricular time.

The usage of gamification in lessons is relevant because the means, techniques and methods used during games contribute to the effectiveness of knowledge acquisition, bring an element of interest to educational activities, thereby increasing the level of success of children, and contribute to the development of the ability to cooperate in a team. Getting participants' attention, creating certain conditions for achieving set goals, modeling game activity is the main point of gamification.

The mechanism of the game is to earn as many points as possible and advance to the next level. Precisely this aspect that is the foundation of students' game activity.

When adding game elements, it is necessary to carefully monitor their educational effectiveness, whether they help the audience to improve understanding and further using of the information received. The main purpose of using gamification is to change the behavior of a person or the audience as a whole, that is, gamification is not needed for entertainment, but to improve the effectiveness of education.


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