Modern approaches in the study of museum pedagogics in high school

  • Natalia Dzyubyshyna Rivne State Humanitarian University
Keywords: museum, higher education, institution of higher education, museum pedagogy, integration, interactivity of the museum, educational, cultural and scientific space.


Reflecting social transformations in society and culture, museums are also undergoing changes in their structure, content and activities. Today, museum pedagogy as a branch of knowledge has a rich potential of reaching interdisciplinary horizons, thanks to which the social functions of museums will be strengthened, the role of museum institutions in providing educational services to young people will increase, in particular at the stage of obtaining higher education. The purpose of the article is an informational and analytical evaluation of modern approaches to the study of museum pedagogy in higher education institutions in view of the transformation of the functional role of museums in today's society.

It is quite obvious that museum activity is gaining more and more socio-cultural significance, the pedagogical role of museums in the preservation and interpretation of cultural heritage, in the complex processes of social adaptation, cultural identification, and in the educational process is growing significantly. Under the influence of active renewal, painstaking work of museum workers, integration of the latest information and communication technologies, the modern museum actually turns from a passive cultural or scientific space into a real center of education and information technologies in the field of culture and creative innovations. The creation of a virtual museum space is not a rarity today, but a necessary condition for museum life. In the near future, it will be possible to speak with confidence about the museum-educational information environment.

The article reveals the approaches to the study of museum pedagogy by students of various specialties, discusses ways of interaction of museums with educational institutions and students of higher education institutions. In further studies, it is proposed to narrow the focus of attention and organize investigations in experimental-theoretical and empirical formats.
