Entrepreneurial competence of the head of a general secondary education institution: aspects of content characteristics

  • Vitaly Bondar Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka
Keywords: institution of general secondary education, content characteristics, manager, key competence, entrepreneurial competence, professional competence, functions.


The article analyzes the aspects of the content characteristics of the entrepreneurial competence of the head of a general secondary education institution. The importance of learning entrepreneurship as one of the key competencies is emphasized. The interpretation of the concepts «competence» and «professional competence» as key has been clarified. It was found that the professional competence of the head of the educational institution is both a result and a component of the professional growth of his personality. It is noted that the meaning of the concept of "entrepreneurial competence of the head of a general secondary education institution" is more fully revealed through its functions: innovative, resourceful, motivational, social, personal. Rethinking the definitions of entrepreneurial competence in economic, sociological, psychological and pedagogical literature, the results of a systematic analysis of legislative and regulatory documents allow us to state that entrepreneurial competence is based on the skills of creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, initiative, perseverance and the ability to cooperate. The basic knowledge, abilities, and skills related to entrepreneurial competence are defined. Entrepreneurial competence of a manager is characterized as an end-to-end competence that is applied in all spheres of life, based on creativity, creativity, innovativeness, risk-taking ability. Rethinking the definitions of entrepreneurial competence in economic, sociological, psychological and pedagogical literature, the results of a systematic analysis of legislative and regulatory documents allow us to state that entrepreneurial competence is based on the skills of creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, initiative, perseverance and the ability to cooperate. It is summarized that the development of the entrepreneurial competence of the head of the general secondary education institution is one of the priority directions of modern education, which will ensure the improvement of the educational process, will allow to reveal the potential opportunities of the modern New Ukrainian school.
