Сompetence-oriented tasks when studying the disciplines of the natural and scientific cycle in institutions of medical (pharmaceutical) education

  • Svitlana Bukhalska MIHE «Rivne Medical Academy»
Keywords: competence-oriented tasks, natural and scientific disciplines, medical (pharmaceutical) educational institutions, professional direction.


The article updates the problem of applying competence-oriented tasks in the process of studying natural sciences, which are fundamental for professionally oriented disciplines in medical (pharmaceutical) education institutions.

It is noted that the knowledge and skills acquired by future specialists of medical (pharmaceutical) education during the study of the disciplines of the natural and scientific cycle constitute a cognitive-functional component of competence and are manifested in «soft» and basic skills for the implementation of educational and professional activities.

Recommendations are given on the compilation of competence-oriented tasks, the definition of their structure (value-motivational, problem-content, informational-activity aspects) and implementation algorithms (clear formulation of the problem; determination of motives and incentives; selection of forms and methods of task performance; processing of information sources; presentation of own ideas, their realization during implementation; presentation of the completed task; reflection and analysis of expected results).

It was found that in the process of performing competence-oriented tasks in the disciplines of the natural and scientific cycle, a scientific worldview, information literacy, responsibility, mobility are formed; anticipatory professional development and continuity of education are made possible.

Examples of competence-oriented tasks in Botany, Biology, Ecology, the content of which has an applied, professionally oriented nature of medical and pharmaceutical direction, are given.
