Interdisciplinary connections in teaching biology in a college of pharmacy

  • Mariia Novytska Zhytomyr College of Pharmacy
  • Iryna Stelmakh Zhytomyr College of Pharmacy
Keywords: professional pre-higher education, junior specialist, biology and ecology, interdisciplinary integration, professionally oriented teaching, pharmacy assistant, medical laboratory assistant.


The article presents an analysis of the content of the program of the discipline «Biology and Ecology» in the context of the implementation of interdisciplinary integration in the training of specialists in pharmacy and laboratory diagnostics. In particular, a significant theoretical and practical basis has been demonstrated that allows establishing interdisciplinary links with both professional educational components and future professional activities of students. The following topics of the school biology and ecology course have significant professional-oriented potential for future pharmacist assistants: «Metabolism», «Heredity and variability», «Adaptation». Issues such as the transport of substances across the membrane and their transformation in the cell are an important prerequisite for understanding the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of many drugs. By studying heritability and variability, we analyze the effects of certain drugs that may have teratogenic properties. Considering the mechanisms of self-regulation, the role of hormonal drugs is analyzed. As for the topic «Biological basis of a healthy lifestyle», almost all of its sections are directly related to the professional activities of future pharmacists. The content of the discipline «Biology and Ecology» also creates ample opportunities for the implementation of vocationally oriented training of future medical laboratory assistants. The article describes in detail the relationship between the content of biology topics and the content modules of the compulsory educational component «Microbiology with the basics of immunology and microbiological research techniques». The topic «Metabolism» is the basis for studying the educational component «Biological Chemistry with Biochemical Methods of Analysis». In particular, students develop a clear understanding of the peculiarities of the transformation of substances in the cell and the role of enzymes in the processes of catabolism and anabolism. Taking into account the experience of using professionally oriented teaching, the article points out its effectiveness and importance for increasing students' motivation to learn.
