Current trends in office management and document circulation in the field of educational institution management of general secondary education institutions

  • Iryna Udovychenko Sumy Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
  • Viktoriia Udovychenko Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: education management, record keeping, document management, general secondary educational institution, case inventory, neural networks, artificial intelligence.


At the present stage of development of the information society, informational needs are inherent to every individual and collective. The necessity of timely access to comprehensive information (which has acquired the status of documentation), in an accessible format, according to the specifics of the performed work, is the foundation for achieving the set goals. It is through clear and concise formulation of tasks, along with duly documented aspects of the issues at hand, that educators can effectively address the challenges they face. Therefore, based on the analysis of scientific works and documents in the field of education, the peculiarities of research conducted in the field of office management and document circulation are outlined. Emphasis is placed on compliance with documentation requirements in the process of working with business papers. The specifics of modern documentation in general secondary educational institutions are outlined with regard to autonomy and academic integrity, in accordance with case inventory. The significance of informational document flows in the modern stage of education reform, particularly in the implementation of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School, is emphasized.

The importance of understanding the specifics of document management in general secondary educational institutions in the context of the updated content of education, modernized education legislation, acquired academic freedom of teachers, autonomy of educational institutions, and autonomy of educational institution leaders in making their managerial decisions is highlighted and administration.

The specifics of electronic document circulation are outlined. The expediency of modern innovations in the practice of working with business papers is justified, including QR code encoding, mind mapping software, multimedia scrapbooking, hotlists, and others. It is proven that the use of cloud services, neural networks, artificial intelligence in the process of working with business documentation, modernizes process education management and makes it open, mobile, technologized, and modernized.
