Mental health of students in the conditions of war: psychological and pedagogical aspect

  • Valentyna Serhienko Berdyansk Gymnasium № 1 «Nadia», Berdyansk City Council of Zaporizhzhia region
Keywords: mental health, educational process, emotional state of high school students, psychological support.


The article presents the results of a psychological-pedagogical study of the impact of the Russian military aggression on the mental health of students of the Berdyansk Gymnasium № 1 «Nadia» since one of the important problems in the life and education of students has become the issue of survival and safety; the depth of experience and the devastating impact of military operations.

A theoretical analysis of the definition of the concept of «mental health» was made, because studies have shown that the negative consequences of stressful situations can be neutralized by stimulating protective relationships, interaction with parents, and significant adults; psychological approaches, which are determined by adaptation processes, the inability to act freely, make decisions, and the subjective feeling of one's mental health.

The defined experience of protective relations of gymnasium students, which children use as a support during the provision of psychological assistance and psychological support, which includes restoring a sense of security, strengthening and activating the psychological resource of the child, natural self-recovery mechanisms, integrating the experience of military actions, the occupation of the city of Berdyansk, adaptation to a new environment.

The forms of work of the teaching staff regarding the preservation of the mental health of high school students in war conditions are highlighted, namely: providing assistance and implementing adaptation programs, organizing the work of the «Young Psychologist» circle, conducting training, classes in the online club «Planet of Health», Hours communication; placement of an information resource with links to materials related to issues of psychological support for children's mental health from the consequences of war.

The influence of traumatic factors on the mental health of children and adolescents has been proven, which is explained by the significant sensitivity and insufficient formation of psychological protection mechanisms that contribute to reducing the consequences of military actions and preserving the mental health of students.
