Approaches of teaching computer-mediated written communication to secondary school students

  • Oksana Boiko Zaporizhzhia National University
Keywords: writing, internet written communication, process approach, product approach, genre-based approach, New Ukrainian school.


The necessity of teaching written online communication in secondary education institutions is proved. It is demonstrated that virtual communication can be a means of learning and a subject of learning. Three main approaches to teaching writing are considered. The works of scientists from around the world on the practical application of product, process and genre-based approaches to teaching writing are analysed. It is compared written tasks in text and picture-based formats. The product, genre-based and process approaches are compared in pairs. The advantages and disadvantages of product, process and genre-based approaches to teaching writing are described. The stages of teaching handwriting and virtual writing according to the product, process and genre-based approaches are shown. A multimodal approach to teaching any kind of writing is presented. A socio-cognitive approach to teaching traditional and virtual writing is presented. The prospects of using computer games of various genres in teaching offline and online writing are revealed. The development of video games as an analogy of the writing process is considered. The features of virtual communication and college syllabi in digital writing are reviewed. The need to include online writing and speaking in the syllabi of higher education institutions is emphasised. The application of the product approach to teaching virtual English written communication is demonstrated on the example of the Go Getter learning line. It is indicated that the product approach is best suited for CEFR levels A1 and A2. The application of genre-based and mixed methods of teaching online written communication is demonstrated on the example of the Focus second edition learning line. The general conclusion is made that the best result in teaching online written communication will be shown in a combination of product, process and genre-based approaches at different stages of English language learning.
