Educational losses of mathematics students in war conditions: risks, diagnostic sociological research and ways of overcoming

  • Natalia Korinchuk The Municipal Higher Education Institution «Lutsk Pedagogical College»
  • Natalia Narykhnyuk The Municipal Higher Education Institution «Lutsk Pedagogical College»
  • Volodimir Korinchuk Higher Professional School of Construction and Architecture
  • Anna Poplavska The Municipal Higher Education Institution «Lutsk Pedagogical College»
Keywords: educational losses, education in war conditions, education seekers, sociological study of educational losses, ways to overcome educational losses.


The article examines the actual problem of educational losses in Ukraine caused by the full-scale military aggression launched by the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The study of the problem of educational losses in our country is particularly relevant, since first the Covid-19 pandemic, and later the war caused a temporary suspension of the full-time educational process in a large territory of Ukraine. Educational losses can negatively affect the development of the individual and the development of society in the future; they have a cumulative effect: losses today can cause losses at later stages of learning. Despite the lack of systematic research on the diagnosis of educational losses of all education seekers, experts believe that the scale of these losses can be significant, since educational institutions have not been functioning normally for more than four years. The primary task for the education system is to carry out a qualitative diagnosis of the success of pupils and students at various levels of education in the main fields of knowledge in order to identify gaps in the acquisition of key competencies. The article examines the problem of possible educational losses of students of the Lutsk Vocational Pedagogical College and the Lutsk Higher Vocational School of Construction and Architecture under martial law. The authors researched the results of scientific publications on the educational losses of education seekers in Ukraine. In addition, the authors conducted a sociological study among students of the Lutsk Vocational Pedagogical College and the Lutsk Higher Vocational School of Construction and Architecture in order to obtain data on the level of educational achievements and the quality of knowledge of students in mathematics, studied the conditions created in educational institutions for the organization of educational process, identified gaps in the knowledge of education seekers and outlined the main measures to eliminate shortcomings.

Access to electronic resources and tools of education seekers in these educational institutions was analyzed. The authors summarized the results of the teachers' analytical reports. A thorough analysis of the research is done and measures are outlined to help solve this problem.
