Methods of achieving program learning outcomes in the process of studying chemical disciplines in a technical institution of higher education

  • Nadia Budenkova National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • Oksana Mysina National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
Keywords: program learning outcomes, competencies, ways of posing the problem, active learning methods.


The article updates the problem of improving the methods of achieving program learning outcomes in the study of chemical disciplines in a technical institution of higher education. It was noted that the main result of the activity of an educational institution should not be a system of knowledge, abilities and skills, but the ability of a specialist to act in a specific professional situation. Emphasis is placed on the importance of applying a competency-based approach to the formation of the content of educational components, which does not involve the learner acquiring separate knowledge, abilities and skills, but mastering them in a complex manner. The content of the definitions «competence» and «program learning outcomes» has been clarified. A list of general, professional competences and program learning outcomes is given when studying such educational components as environmental chemistry and sanitary-chemical analysis; hydrochemistry of water bodies; basics of geochemistry and hydrochemistry at the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering.It is proposed to use active learning methods, scientific research of teachers in the content of educational components, innovative digital technologies in teaching, humanization of the content of chemical education to achieve program learning results. Attention is focused on the fact that the most universal active methods of learning are the problem-based lecture and the creation of problem situations in all types of classes, which can arouse interest and encourage the student to work independently. The main ways of creating problem situations in the teaching of chemical disciplines are defined. Digital technologies, services and tools used in the methodical and teaching activities of the university are characterized. Recommendations for the implementation of active methods in the educational process are offered. The components of a favorable educational environment for the formation of a free, competent, creative, patriotic personality are discussed. Proposed ways of «humanizing» the content and methods of teaching chemical disciplines.
