Implementation of vasyl sukhomlynskyi's pedagogical ideas in the technological education of students

  • Valentyna Liushyna Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
Keywords: V. Sukhomlynskyi, teacher, competence (key, subject), new Ukrainian school, pedagogical heritage, project, technology, labour training, labour education.


The article, based on the analysis of V. Sukhomlynskyi's creative heritage, reveals the innovative views and practical approaches of the humanist teacher to the problem of teaching the subjects of technological education. Their significance for use in the modern system of general secondary education, designing personal development by means of technologies and labor training is highlighted. The following 12 principles of labor training, formulated in the productive pedagogy of V. Sukhomlynskyi, are of great value for the latest methodology of organizing the educational process.

Attention is focused on the synergy of the scientific achievements of the outstanding scientist and the methodological foundations of the new Ukrainian school, which is based on the development of the content of technological education of students, the flexibility of the educational process, the availability of options for choosing projects, basic, additional technologies or techniques for processing structural materials, the ability to build and implement their own holistic educational / professional trajectory of student / teacher, material and technical support, etc.

The golden seeds of the pedagogical experience of the Pavlyska School in Kirovohrad region and its director remain the established and maintained labor traditions with an inexhaustible potential of spiritual values for modern educational practice.

The importance of the development of STEAM (STEM) direction in the implementation of a project approach, thanks to which students gain a powerful motivation for learning, open an unprecedented field for creativity, demonstrate the ability to think in terms of startups and specific projects is also emphasized.

At the level of prospects for further scientific research on this issue, the work on the practical implementation of the content of technological education from the standpoint of specialized (vocational) training, as well as the formation of new economic thinking, entrepreneurship of students in the context of innovative ideas of V. Sukhomlynskyi is highlighted.
