Aesthetic and spiritual education of higher education acquires in the vocational training system

  • Yulia Bobrykova Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
Keywords: professional training, aesthetic education, spiritual education, aesthetic culture, spiritual culture, professional activity, essence, structure, component, education seeker, personality, formation, understanding, development.


The article reveals the essence and structure of aesthetic and spiritual education of students of higher education in the system of professional training as a purposeful and planned process: the formation of aesthetic and spiritual concepts, tastes and ideals, attitudes towards the profession, nature, art, society, everyday life, communication, relationships. The essence of spiritual-aesthetic culture and its role in the system of professional training of students of higher education is determined. The importance of the education of spiritual and aesthetic culture during the period of study at a higher education institution, its ability to develop spiritual and aesthetic tastes, critical thinking, creative abilities of students of higher education, as well as to develop spiritual and aesthetic interests is proved. The peculiarity of the spiritual and aesthetic influence on the education of a spiritual and creative personality in the process of professional training is analyzed.

It is emphasized that, being a personal spiritual-functional education, spiritual-aesthetic education is in a state of dynamic development, the basis of which is an internal mechanism built on the interconnection of its most important components: spiritual-aesthetic consciousness, activity and self-organization. It was established that spiritual-aesthetic education performs social-valuable, culture-creating and personal-regulatory functions; proves its ability to enrich the spiritual-aesthetic experience of society and the individual, to ensure a high level of spiritual-aesthetic development of objects and phenomena of reality, to motivate a person to consistent self-development, increase the level of spiritual-aesthetic consciousness, activity and cultural activity.

The essence, structure and functions of aesthetic and spiritual education of higher education students in the system of professional training are specified.

The process of development of the creative component of professional activity is described. This process is considered as an integral part of the personal aspect of professional training of students of higher education, the purpose of which is the formation of the aesthetic and spiritual culture of the individual.
