Scientific and methodological ensuring the establishment of the author school of imperative management (from work experience)

  • Svitlana Kyrylenko State Scientific Institution «Institute of education content modernization»
  • Tetyana Fedunova Specialized school of I – III degrees with in-depth study of the English language № 85 of the city of Kyiv
Keywords: institution of general secondary education, scientific and methodological support, imperative management, author`s school, educational process.


The peculiarities of the reform of the domestic education system in the direction of the European educational space, the conditions for the effective functioning of educational institutions regarding the introduction of innovative educational systems and models, pedagogical and imperative management in the educational process are considered, the main concepts of academic management and aspects of influence on the education management process are determined.

The conditions that contribute to taking into account the scientific and methodological principles of the management of educational innovations in an academic institution are characterized, which consists in the realization of a set of organizational-management, socio-economic, and socio-cultural goals and is provided by the solution of the relevant tasks of the management of educational innovations, changes in technology and management methods, etc.

It was revealed that the implementation of innovative activities in the educational practice of educational institutions is ensured by the search for new or improved approaches in the content and forms of their implementation, in the management of the educational process. Imperative management of educational innovations is a component of general management because the basis of school management is imperativeness – determination of strategic ways of development, goals, and objectives of education, methods, and means of their implementation.

The features of multifaceted development, education, and socialization of an individual who is aware of himself as a citizen of Ukraine, capable of life in society, has a desire for self-improvement and lifelong learning, is ready for conscious life choice and self-realization, labor activity, civic activity and responsibility in the author's school of imperative are determined of management – an educational institution of an innovative type, in which the modernization of the educational system and the integration of innovative technologies of the author's educational process, based on the experience of research and experimental activities of the pedagogical team, took place.
