Technology of preparing and conducting a meeting of the pedagogical council of a general secondary education institution in the modern dimension

  • Mykola Liushyn Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
Keywords: head of an educational institution, microstudy, pedagogical council, draft decision, meeting minutes, working (initiative, creative) group, self-assessment, modelling technology (conducting).


The relevance of the topic of this study is obvious, as it is conditioned by the need to improve the management system of a general secondary education institution (hereinafter – GSEI) with the possibilities of collective self-management, an integral part of which is the pedagogical council.

The approaches to the organization of the activities of the pedagogical council of a GSEE are considered in the general context of the development of national education and modern pedagogical management. The technological aspects of preparing and conducting a meeting of the pedagogical council of an educational institution, which are associated with the transformation of the educational system at the institutional level, are characterized. Attention is focused on the importance of applying innovative forms of meetings of the pedagogical council, conducting an objective self-assessment of the educational and management processes of the educational institution and/or control, as well as the use of information and communication technologies in the work of the main permanent collegial body, in particular, Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Publisher), remote platforms, social networks and messengers.

It has been found that this technology of modeling (conducting) a meeting contributes to the systematic and effective functioning of the pedagogical council, directs its activities to the synergy of teachers, all participants in the educational process in the management of the GSEE institution, and ensuring its sustainable development.

The study does not exhaust all aspects of the problem, in particular, the issues of adapting technologies and tools for managing the communication process in the context of the large-scale reform of general secondary education «New Ukrainian School» require further study.
