Ukrainian choral art at the present stage of national cultural creation

  • Ihor Kharyton Institute of Arts Rivne State Humanitarian University
Keywords: Ukrainian modern choral music, the modern stage of national cultural creation, the latest trends in choral music, the modern stage of the national revival of Ukraine, the fundamental foundations of the national choral art, Ukrainian modern classical composers, composers of the mature generation, representatives of the youngest Ukrainian composer beaumond, modern vocal choral formations, academic vocal and choral performance.


The article analyzes the specifics of the formation of the national choral art of the modern era from the point of view of understanding the postmodern, newest models of its expression. In this system of coordinates, the key features of the creative handwriting of a number of artists, representatives of at least three generations of the Ukrainian composer beaumond – modern classical composers are traced (L. Dychko, E. Stankovich, V. Sylvestrov, I. Karabyts, M. Skoryk, etc.), composers of the mature generation (V. Kaminsky, I. Kirilina, O. Kozarenko, V. Poleva, I. Shcherbakov, V. Stepurko, M. Shuh, O. Yakovchuk, etc.), as well as representatives of the youngest generation (M. Shalygin, S. Lunyov, O. Retynskyi, M. Kolomiets, etc.) of the historical period from the 60s of the 20th century and to the present day.

First of all, we consider a number of defining concepts, in our opinion, characteristic of the most relevant work of modern Ukrainian classical composers, which are manifested at the level of style, genre, timbral and a number of other ways of its arrangement.

We do not leave out the creative searches of Ukrainian modern composers of the mature generation of the period of the 80s90s of the 20th century, who at the highest level of the national demand of modernity produce the most diverse schemes of musical thinking, aimed at the formation of connecting elements between the tradition of choral music-making according to the authorship of modern classical composers and the work of domestic composers of the youngest generation.

In the proposed context, we interpret a number of the most modern techniques of composer writing, characteristic of the youngest domestic generation of composers, designed to overcome the «canonical» barriers of Ukrainian choral traditionalism of previous decades, affirming the regularity of the continuity of the progress of the phenomenon we are investigating in the coordinate system of its national, socio-historical emphasis.
