Modern aspects and directions of improving the speech therapy work in the inclusive resource center
The article characterizes the modern aspects of speech therapy work in an inclusive resource center: regulatory and legal, organizational and methodological, material and technical, statistical. The regulatory and legal aspect is a set of conventions, concepts, laws, resolutions, provisions, orders, orders, letters, instructions of the international, state and regional levels, which regulate the activities of the inclusive resource center. The organizational and methodical aspect is related to the professional requirements for the personality of the IRC specialist. The material and technical aspect involves the availability of premises, necessary furniture, speech therapy tools, didactic materials, office equipment, and computer programs. Isolation of the statistical aspect involves maintaining a data bank of persons who have been comprehensively assessed and registered with the IRC. Three levels of modernization and improvement of the speech therapist's activity are defined: micro level, meso level, and macro level.
Directions to improve speech therapy work in the inclusive resource center are highlighted: improving the material and technical base of the institution; purchase of a vehicle to improve the mobility of specialists of the inclusive resource center, including a speech therapist, in reaching children with disabilities; provision of IRC by qualified specialists, improvement of regulatory and legal support of IRC activities; organization of systematic and effective cooperation with parents of children with disabilities; improvement of the system of working with children with special needs from internally displaced persons; establishment of cooperation with public organizations, including international ones, which take care of children with special educational needs and disabilities; creation of the all-Ukrainian association of speech therapists of inclusive resource centers; creation of conditions for improving the qualifications of speech therapist teachers and other specialists of the IRC abroad, participation in international projects, grants.