Results of implementation of the preparatory stage research project «Pre-professional out-of-school education of students institutions of general secondary education»

  • Iryna Pervushevska Rivne City Palace of Children and Youth
  • Natalia Davydyuk Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
Keywords: study profile, pre-professional out-of-school education, research project, partnership as a network interaction of general secondary and out-of-school education institutions, Rivne City Palace of Children and Youth.


The article presents the results of the preparatory stage of the research project «Pre-professional extracurricular education of students of general secondary education institutions», which is implemented by the Rivne Palace of Children and Youth and the Rivne Lyceum No. 1 of the Rivne City Council. The content is revealed through a number of implemented tasks, which are simultaneously stages of the preparatory period of the project. The basis of the project was the long-term experience of innovative activities of the Palace of Children and Youth, during which a multi-level system (model) of pre-professional training and initial professional education was developed and tested.

Educational networking made it possible to initiate an educational partnership between institutions of general secondary and out-of-school education through appropriate network interaction. Formation of directions of pre-professional extracurricular education was carried out on the basis of diagnosis of education seekers, identification of their inclinations and aptitudes for one or another type of professional activity, proposed software and resource support of specialized schools and specialized centers (Palace of Children and Youth).

The developed interaction algorithm of the two educational institutions made it possible to create optimal conditions for the education of 68 students who chose ecological-biological, economic, information-technical and theater profiles. The feedback received from the project participants (pedagogues, students and their parents) allows us to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the initial stage of the project, the changes that occurred in the motivational sphere of students, their attitude to learning, awareness of choosing a profile.
