• Mykhailo Galatiuk Rivne State Humanities University
Keywords: sports culture, social and pedagogic preconditions, education, development, sports, values, student health.


In article is offered the definition of the concept “social and pedagogic preconditions for the development of sports culture”. Highlighted and summarized important social and pedagogic preconditions for the development of sports culture of students – future specialists in physical education. Everyone preconditions for the development of sports culture elements are interrelated. The described social and pedagogic preconditions are the result of the study of social problems of modern youth. Social and pedagogic preconditions for the development sports culture of student youth – these are persistent, objective causes (factors) and socially significant circumstances that raised the problem of the development sports culture of students – future specialists in physical education. To important social and pedagogic preconditions for the development sports culture of students belong the following: lack of motivation in student youth for physical education and sports; lack of social maturity of students; high level of demographic crisis in Ukraine and other.

The article focuses attention on the need to prevent the spread of social illnesses student youth. Among the widespread social illnesses of students are the following: smoking, computer addiction, internet addiction, depressive states and other mental disorders. We think, to avoid the spread of these social illnesses, it is necessary to form a healthy social consciousness of the younger generation based on sports-oriented learning technologies. In higher educational establishments should be implemented purposeful sports and recreation activity as an effective means of eliminating social illnesses of students. The development of sports culture of the younger generation should embrace the positive traditions of Ukrainians, their experience regarding in educating national consciousness and dignity. Description of social and pedagogic preconditions for the development sports culture of students is a strategically important stage of the scientific research. This stage of research will help to systematize methodological support for the development of sports culture of students – future specialists in physical education.
