Information about the issue

Scientific-methodical journal "New pedagogical thought" was founded in 1994
Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education and Rivne State Humanities University.

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №409 dated March 17, 2020. Collection of scientific works Rivne OІPPO «New pedagogical thought» inclusions before the change of science faculties of Ukraine in the category «B» at the field of pedagogical sciences (specialties - 011, 014, 015) Testimony about the state restoration of mass information КВ №16684-5256P dated 28.10.2010.

Thematic focus of
research papers in the field of educational sciences.
Frequency of publication
quarterly (four times a year)
Language Publication
The journal publishes scientific articles in Ukrainian, English and languages (optional author) are not intended for publication in other journals.
The purpose of the magazine
Promoting published research results as leading scientists, doctoral graduate students and seekers of scientific degrees and academic titles. Disclosure of this goal provides coordination of fundamental and applied research of various professionals and promotes their actualization. Magazine "New pedagogical thought" publishes research findings, review articles and discussion materials in the field of pedagogy. The magazine is designed for professionals in a designated area of expertise, academics and researchers.
ISSN: 2520-6427
DOI: 10.37026 / 2520-6427