Modern student sport as a mode of development of sports culture of future specialists in physical education

  • Mykhaylo Halatyuk Rivne State University of Humanities
Keywords: sports culture, physical education, future specialist, development, student sports, competitive activities.


The article outlines problems that are relevant physical activity of students. The attention is on the problem of development of sports culture of future specialists
in physical education. The author analyzed the concept of «sport». Is installed, that modern sports – important component of the culture of society. Modern sport is one of the most common activities in the world. The author has considered modern sport in context needs of sustainable development of society. The suggested
of definition of modern sport as a tool for sustainable development of society. On the basis of the analysis of scientific literature, the highlighted varieties of modern sport as an activity. The defined of content of student sports. Found out the essence of basic sports and amateur. The disclosed student sports as a way of developing sports culture. The mission of student sports the involvement of future specialists to systematic sports activity. This mission is realized through educational-training and competitive activities of future specialists in physical education. Student sport promotes harmonious development of personality. Student sport is aimed at achieving high sports results in the chosen sport.
Modern student sport is characterized by many forms of physical activity. An important role in the development of the student sports movement belongs to the
centers of student sports, sports clubs and sections. In centers of student sports are laid the foundations of the higher sports skill of students. These centers are the main institutions development of sports culture of future specialists in physical education. Student sport is not only a way of developing sports
culture, but also a means of reforming physical education in higher education institutions.
