The purpose of the article is to highlight the issue of teacher training for the introduction of STEM-education in general secondary education institutions. In today's conditions of school education, the problem is the attitude of students to knowledge, the process of learning, their orientation towards the future profession, that is, the problem of motivation education. Essential conditions for improving the efficiency of education are not only the interest of students in one or another subject (the development of cognitive interests), but also the gradual and systematic inclusion of them in self-learning activities (development of cognitive self-determination). Interest in learning involves the active attitude of students to the process of learning and learning new. The problem of the development of cognitive interests, cognitive activity of students has a profound effect on the structure and content of educational disciplines, the selection of material, the forms and methods of teaching, the personality and professional qualities of the teacher, etc.
Studying international experience in preparing students for the conscious choice of the future profession and the development of motivation for lifelong learning, we note that at the present stage of society development, one of the conditions for improving the quality of education is exactly STEM education as a learning technology. The quality of the introduction of STEM education is determined primarily by the competence and level of professional activity of scientific and pedagogical workers, as they are actively using the latest pedagogical approaches for teaching and assessment, innovative practices in interdisciplinary education, methods and teaching methods aimed at developing research competencies. In order to prepare teachers for the implementation of modern learning technologies, in particular STEM-education, in January 2019, a special course "STEM-approach in education" was introduced at the courses of advanced training for teachers of the natural cycle of school subjects at the Zaporizhzhya Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, designed for 8 educational hours.