Social programs for children and youth in the charitable work of the catholic churches of Ukraine

  • Oksana Voron Rivne State University of the Humanities
  • Olena Voron Rivne State University of the Humanities
Keywords: Roman Catholic Church, Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, social service, charity, humanitarian assistance.


The article is devoted to the study of the problem of social ministry of the Catholic Churches of Ukraine. The features of the social ministry of the Church are studied. The main structural organizations involved in the charity work of churches are distinguished. The specifics of conducting charitable initiatives of Catholics of Ukraine are revealed. In particular, attention is focused on studying social programs of the Roman Catholic and Ukrainian Greek Catholic Churches for children with problem families. The article analyzes projects of Catholic charitable organizations for socially unprotected children and young people. The main vectors of charitable projects are analyzed and the dominant categories of Benifecyaria are distinguished. It is emphasized that social programs of Catholic Churches of Ukraine are directed primarily to children and young people from low-income families, orphans, children and students from crisis families. The largest social programs of the Catholic Churches are considered. The volume of work is analyzed. It is emphasized that social programs of Catholic charitable organizations do not differentiate in need of ethnic, national or religious affiliation. Particular attention in the article is paid to projections due to the exacerbation of the socio-political situation in Ukraine. In particular, humanitarian initiatives conducted within the framework of the Vatican Project «Papa for Ukraine» are analyzed. The programs affected by the war in the east of Ukraine are investigated and outlined. The article shows that social programs for children and young people occupy a priority place in the charitable activity of the Catholic Churches of Ukraine. It is proved that the Church is an active participant in overcoming social problems in Ukraine.
