Development of civic responsibility as a component of civic competence of students of general secondary education

  • Larysa Panina Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
  • Lilia Avdymyrets Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
Keywords: civic competence, civic awareness, civic values, civic responsibility, responsible citizen, civic consciousness, civic position, students, civic education, democratic society.


The article is concerned with development of civic responsibility as a component of civic competence of students of general secondary education.

The author analyzes informative and scientific sources and explains the concepts of civic and social competence and civic responsibility. Especially it has been noted that civic and social competences are key competences of the New Ukrainian School.

According to the framework of renewed key competences for lifelong learning I has been outlined the basic knowledge, skills and attitudes related to civic competence. The main components of civic competence, including civic responsibility are highlighted. The author defines main features of civic responsibility of the individual and shows the relationship and interdependence of civic responsibility with the spiritual and social development of the individual.

The paper analyzes the factors that facilitate the development of civic responsibility of students of general secondary education. The importance of education in the formation and development in youth civic values, ​​necessary for active participation in a democratic society, is described.

The article deals with methods that influence the development of civic responsibility and civic position of young people.

The author emphasizes the necessity to raise a good citizen of Ukraine as an educated, creative person, who organically combines high moral traits, civic maturity, patriotism and the need for self-improvement.
