The influence of non-formal education on the formation of student's personality of higher education art institution

  • Volodymyr Onyshchuk Rivne State University of the Humanities
Keywords: informal education, art education, distance learning, internet, youth.


The article considers some aspects of informal art education in the context of the development of the Internet and various relevant communities. The term «informal education» the author refers to any systematized knowledge and competencies acquired outside the system of formal education. It is noted that the development of informal art education has caused problems of formal higher education – training of specialists in obsolete specialties, commercialization of higher education, outdated material and technical base, which does not correspond to the level of modern information technologies and so on.

The inflexibility and backwardness of the formal higher education system became noticeable during the quarantine period of 2020–2021, when the unpreparedness of free educational institutions to work remotely became clear, and young people found that education could be obtained independently without leaving home.

The author is convinced that informal education is the most flexible, diverse in form and multifaceted part of the system of continuing art education, the most acceptable format of which is the online format. Network technologies add new added value to learning through different styles of presenting information, combining different types of content (audio, video files, presentations, etc.).

 Websites and social media pages that allow young people to showcase their artistic achievements, discuss them, motivate young people to make certain artistic decisions, develop creatively, and work as a self-organized field for art education at its best. It is indicated that modern art education should be high quality and accessible and provided with an effective system of formal and informal education.
