Psychological and pedagogical content of the concept «Professional self-development of a teacher of the New ukrainian school»

  • Volodymyr Bordyuk Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
  • Tetyana Kovbasyuk Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
Keywords: self-development, professional self-development teacher of the New Ukrainian School, general and professional competencies, forms and methods of professional self-development.


The article examines the meaning of the concept of «professional self-development of a teacher of the New Ukrainian School». It has been analyzed scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on the issues of professional self-development and self-realization of the individual. It was found that self-development is a mandatory component of modern education and an indicator of the teacher's subjectivity, which indicates the continuity of his growth.

According to the results of a complex analysis of the phenomenology of the self-development of the individual, the multifaceted and multi-component nature of this concept has been proven. Separate definitions of professional self-development have been organized and the definition of professional self-development of a teacher of the New Ukrainian School has been explained.

It has been identified and characterized six main clusters covering the «competencies of the future»: the ability to effectively interact and successfully collaborate with other people, thinking and problem-solving skills, quick learning skills and open-mindedness, innovation and creativity, digital knowledge and skills, self-awareness skills and self-management.

Based on the analysis of the outlined problem, as well as taking into account the requirements and needs of the reform of the New Ukrainian School, the essence of the concept of «professional self-development of the NUS teacher» characterized as a multidimensional and purposeful activity of a teacher. Which is aimed at the development of personal and creative potential, self-improvement in professional activity, which is carried out through the development of professional competences, professional independence and flexibility, life activity and values, the expansion of the professional worldview with the aim of the fullest professional self-realization and a creative approach to professional activity in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School.

       It has been presented forms of professional self-development of the teacher of the New Ukrainian School, in particular: mentoring, counseling, practice, research, reflection, training. It has been given examples of different ways of professional growth.
