Implementation of the results of modern scientific research in medical and biological physics courses

  • Mykola Bordyuk Rivne Medical Academy
  • Tetyana Shevchuk Rivne State Humanitarian University
  • Volodymyr Bordyuk Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
Keywords: scientific research, medical and biological physics, principle, synergy, knowledge, student.


It has been analyzed the results of modern physical research in the field of biology, medicine, and pharmacology. The possibility of introducing them into the programs of medical and biological physics courses is shown, which allows students to form a modern scientific picture of the world, social consciousness, as a higher level of psychological reproduction of the natural and artificial environment, their inner world, reflection on the place and role of man in the biological, physical and chemical world, as well as self-regulation of such reproduction. Accordingly, future specialists in institutions of higher education should be trained according to the principle of «lifelong education».

This approach ensures the synergy of knowledge, the possibility of their correction taking into account modern achievements of science and technology. When implementing such an approach, general and specific principles of learning are implemented in medical and biophysics courses, in particular, the principle of unity of scientific and educational and methodological activities of departments and teachers; the principle of combining educational and research work of students; principles of selecting the content of educational material; the principle of information capacity and social significance; the principle of organic unity of theoretical and practical training of students; the principle of ensuring creative activity and independence of students in the educational process. It has been noted that during the laboratory workshop in biophysics, the elements of scientific research contribute to the formation of fundamental and professional knowledge.
