Management of innovative development of a general secondary education institution based on organized synergy

  • Lyudmyla Nazarenko Interregional Academy of Personnel Management
Keywords: positive organized synergy, self-organization, agents of change, innovative development of educational institution.


The article explores the concept of managing the innovative development of a general educational institution at the theoretical and methodological level, formed on the positive organized synergy. Based on independently formulated scientific positions, the author substantiates that the concept of positive organized synergy serves as the foundation for managing the innovative development of a general secondary education institution.

It has been achieved by ensuring the necessary conditions for internal self-organization, developing and implementing mechanisms to stimulate and support it, in order to achieve a specific synergistic effect and improve the efficiency of achieving common goals, tasks, and functions in the process of innovative changes.

It has been identified the conditions for the formation of self-organization in various subsystems of educational activities, namely: the development of internal activity within professional groups, the implementation of a policy of open communication, and the establishment of relatively autonomous subsystems within the structure of the educational institution. It has been argued that ensuring these conditions will contribute to a cognitive, rather than merely sensory-emotional, perception of new professional tasks and the formation of active behavior characterized by «active self-involvement» (the first condition).

It has been determined the implementation of a policy of open communication, necessary for effective information exchange among «agents of change», rapid decision-making, and overall coordination within the collective (the second condition); delegation of specific responsibilities to fulfill a particularly important mission and ensuring coordination of their interactions (the third condition). It has been considered the means, methods, and approaches to meet each of the conditions.
