Non-standard teaching methods in the training of future teachers of biology

  • Natalia Kazanishena Kamianets-Podіlskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University
Keywords: training of a future biology teacher, students of higher education, forms and methods of teaching, non-standard methods of teaching, methods of teaching biology.


The article is devoted to the problem of organizing the training of a future biology teacher. The value of non-standard teaching methods is substantiated. Emphasis is placed on the application of non-traditional teaching methods during the training of a future biology teacher in a higher education institution.

It has been analysed the application of non-traditional teaching methods during teaching the «Theory of Evolution» discipline. Examples of preparation and application of interactive methods are given. The essence of interactive learning is that the learning process takes place through constant, active interaction of all its participants. Interactive methods were used by us at various stages of training sessions.

For example, work in pairs was organized to study theories and hypotheses of the origin of life. The «Carousel» method was used to process much information and facts and further exchange information with other participants. We used the «Carousel» method to study transitional fossil forms. The «Microphone» method allows for intensive interviewing of participants. 

We use the method «Teaching – learning» («Brownian motion»). For example, to work out a significant number of facts on the topic of the lesson, on a separate question, or to generalize and consolidate what was learned in the lesson. We checked the effectiveness of the application of non-standard teaching methods in the training of future biology teachers during the production of the student’s pedagogical practice of higher education in institutions of general secondary education. Students of higher education actively used interactive and game methods during biology lessons after they became participants in interactive learning.
