European language portfolio implementation in the language training process of foreign language future teachers at institution of higher education
This article deals with the problem of the European Language Portfolio (ELP) implementation in the language training process of foreign language future teachers.
It has been reaveled the essence of the concept «Language Portfolio» the purpose, the structure and the content of European Language Portfolio. It has been identified that Portfolio is a new approach to training in the context of which new ways of interaction between teacher and student. It has been created and new tasks and criteria for knowledge assessing.
The ELP is a personal document in which the students can record and reflect on their language learning and intercultural experiences.
Language Portfolios are a collection of course work which show learners' level of Foreign Language. It provides a clear structure (the Language Passport, the Language Biography and the Dossier) that contributes to its easy application in teaching Foreign Language and supports the development of learner autonomy. The learner becomes an active participant in the educational process and gets ready for self-management of learning and cognitive activity. Also for reflective self-esteem and integrated control.
The Language Passport section provides an overview of the individual’s proficiency in Foreign Language. The Language Biography facilitates the learner’s involvement in planning, reflecting upon and assessing his or her learning process and progress. The Dossier offers the learner the opportunity to select materials to document and illustrate achievements or experiences recorded in the Language Biography or Passport.
It has been proved that systematic and targeted work with the European Language Portfolio allows students to form foreign language communicative competence effectively, to present the achievements in language acquisition in principle, to increase motivation among students to learn a Foreign Language, helps to independently develop the capacity to assess the own level of Foreign Language proficiency and compare it with the European Standards, to identify (together with the teacher) the most rational ways of habits and skills improvement.