Meaning of emotional intelligence for successful professional activity head of the general institution secondary education in a crisis period

  • Olga Voron Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
Keywords: professional activity of the head of a secondary education institution, emotional intelligence, emotional competence, emotional thinking, emotional creativity.


The article examines the content and indicators of emotional intelligence, in particular the general categorical structure and its components, specifies the main categorical characteristics of the emotional intelligence of heads of educational institutions in relation to the labor functions of their professional activity. The importance of emotional intelligence in the system of the manager's main competencies is also emphasized. The relationship between emotional intelligence and effective leadership is shown, having emotional intelligence has been proven to be an important competency for a successful managerial career. The author analyzed the latest scientific research in the field of emotional intelligence and its impact on leadership success; research that proves that a high level of emotional intelligence helps managers better understand other people, effectively manage a team and find a common language with employees. The article examines the main roles of emotional intelligence in the system of key competencies of a manager, such as managing one's own emotions, empathy, social competence, and others. The conclusion is that the development of emotional intelligence is an important element of the professional activity of the head of an educational institution in a crisis period, which allows him to better understand other people, lead a team, be more empathetic and find a common language with different people. The article analyzes the essence and importance of the emotional intelligence of the director/head of the National Security Agency for successful management in a crisis period based on the research of scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, normative and legal documents. Recommendations for reducing the intensity of emotions have been developed. For the purpose of professional efficiency, the head of the PPE needs to actively interact, achieve mutual understanding in the process of performing professional functions, understand the behavior of people, understand their emotional state and needs, provide psycho-emotional support, find individual approaches, react emotionally adequately to anger, dissatisfaction, and criticism from others, to maintain balance in conflict situations, i.e. to be prepared for effective communication and emotionally intelligent behavior, namely: able to manage other people's emotions.
