Development of post-graduate pedagogical education and improving the qualifications of teachers in foreign countries in the reception of ukrainian comparative studies

  • Olha Snitovska Lviv National Medical University named after Danylo Halytskyi
Keywords: continuous pedagogical education, postgraduate pedagogical education, teacher professional development, foreign countries, pedagogical comparative studies.


The article presents a systematic analysis of representative studies on the development of postgraduate education and professional development of teachers abroad to identify the main trends, achievements, and gaps in its study by Ukrainian comparative researchers. During the exploratory and heuristic work, more than 140 diverse publications on the topic were identified. The review analysis revealed that the majority of recorded monographs, textbooks, articles, and conference materials reflected the results of dissertation research, thus focusing on their subject analysis.

It was found that the issue is examined by Ukrainian researchers in thematic-content perspectives and contexts expressed in categories such as «teacher training», «professional development of teachers», «continuing pedagogical education», «postgraduate pedagogical education», and «teacher qualification improvement». The selected works for analysis have a narrow country-specific scope, covering mainly the European Union countries, the USA and China.

It is shown that most comprehensive studies, where postgraduate education is the main research subject, have a similar content structure. The historical and pedagogical retrospection of postgraduate education development (factors, legal support, periodization, modernization trends) is combined with the consideration of reform processes and the characterization of its main structural components with an emphasis on the specifics of certification. Researchers pay significant attention to identifying the criteria and requirements for teachers' professional activities and the competencies they need to acquire. Many studies fragmentarily present organizational forms, content, and especially the methodology of teacher training, which are determined by current societal challenges and changes in the school education system.
