Digital detox: balance between digital world and mental health

  • Nadia Melnyk Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
  • Natalia Basaraba Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
Keywords: information technologies, competence education, mental health, digital devices, digital hygiene, digital detox.


The article deals with the analysis of scientific works that carried out research and legal documents in the field of general secondary education and the peculiarities of the educational process of the educational institution in the context of competence education. It has been focused on the main trends in the development of digital hygiene, the growing popularity of digital detox, awareness of the negative impact of excessive use of digital devices on the mental and physical health of participants in the educational process in educational institutions, the growing popularity of digital detox practices, the emergence of new programs and tools that will help limit the time of using gadgets both during the educational process and in extracurricular time.

Attention is drawn to the potential advantages of digital detox in today's conditions, to the signs when it is necessary, to the peculiarities of its implementation to reduce the high level of anxiety of participants in the educational process. Emphasis are placed on the importance of using certain forms of digital detox, their importance for participants in the educational process in the context of the active use of ICT as a determining factor in preserving mental health in today's conditions, and the use of digital detoxification technologies to regulate digital flows.

It has been proven that the use of modern forms and technologies of digital detox is a way to preserve the mental health of both education seekers and pedagogical workers to achieve the expected learning outcomes defined by state educational standards.
