Creative works of Mykhailo Tymofiyiv in the context of the pipe performing evolution (to the 80th-anniversary of the date of birth)

  • Roman Dzvinka Institute of Arts Rivne State Humanitarian University
Keywords: pipe performance, frilka (Ukrainian musical instrument), pipe, ethno-brass instruments, professionalisation of pipe-making.


The article deals with the study of the creativity of the famous artist of Mykhailo Tymofiyiv in the process of formation and development of modern pipe performing. The most important aspects of the authentic and secondary performance of the virtuoso multi-instrumentalist and master of wind ethno-instruments are revealed.

The relevance of this topic is to study the significant creative work of M. Tymofiyiv, a virtuoso multi-instrumentalist, master of ethno-blue wind instruments, who made a significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian pipe performance. The phenomenon of a great Hutsul artist is that his personality organically combines a researcher and an expert in traditional culture, an inventor and a great master of ethno-brass instruments. Mykhailo Tymofiyiv is a masterful performer of authentic music in its original shape and secondary forms of existence, an unsurpassed performer of academic music on the frilka (Ukrainian musical instrument) and pipe. An outstanding multi-instrumentalist, he was proficient in playing many ethno-brass instruments and popularized traditional instrumental Hutsul music not only in Ukraine but also abroad.

Tymofiiiv played an important role in the search and development of the optimal design of pipe instruments, which marked the beginning of a new phase in the development of pipe-making and the professionalisation of pipe performance in Ukraine.

The creative work of the outstanding multi-instrumentalist, innovator and designer of ethno brass instruments of Mykhailo Tymofiiiv puts him in the same line with the famous Ukrainian masters of pipe instruments and virtuoso performers. The artist will go down in history as the author of the idea of the ten-hole pipe and an innovator and designer of numerous ethnic wind instruments, as well as the first virtuoso performer and populariser of authentic and classical music on the frilka.
